CFP - STEM & Early Childhood Education

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  • Due to unexpectedly large number of submissions, the special issue will be published at the end of August, to give both authors and reviewers more time.

Chief-editor: Hanno van Keulen

Guest editors:

Estelle Blanquet, University of Bordeaux, France.

Fani StylianidouEllinogermaniki Agogi, Greece.

Hannelie du Preez, University of Pretoria, South-Africa.


Dear Colleagues,

As you might know, the European Journal of STEM Education is a triannual, academic, international journal that publishes original research related to STEM education. The aim is to contribute to our scholarly understanding of teaching and learning practices and policies in the area of STEM, as well as to contribute to the improvement of educational practices.

For our first Special Issue on STEM & EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION we invite you to submit articles that focus on how children (age 0-8) interact in educational settings with the material world and how this interaction helps them to learn and to develop. Contributions may be on the development of scientific and technological concepts, on the role of play and on exploring phenomena and the affordances of objects. on how STEM contexts contribute to other qualities, such as language skills, numeracy, curiosity, creativity or executive functioning. The focus may be on formal schools and on informal and out-of-school settings. Attention may be paid to the role of interaction between children and with adults. Empirical investigations are welcomed as well as qualitative and reflective studies.

For this Special Issue, the European Journal of STEM Education works together with the Special Interest Group on Early Childhood Education of ESERA, the European Science Education Research Association.

EJSTEME accepts articles from all over the world. The fact that the journal is based in Europe, with its forty-plus countries and a multitude of educational systems and practices with regard to STEM education, should remind authors not to take their own situation and national practices for granted, but to write for a larger audience. 

The journal is a double blinded peer reviewed open access journal and no submission fee is asked for submitting articles. You may expect rapid peer-review and publication as long as academic standards are met.

We are looking forward receiving your manuscripts through our digital Editorial System. Read more on the submission guidelines on our webpage.

Article Length: 7000 including notes and works cited

Abstract of 350 words, including background, methods, results and implications.


Yours Sincerely,


Hanno Van Keulen

Chief-Editor European Journal of STEM Education

Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

Estelle Blanquet

Coordinator of the Early Childhood Education Special Interest Group of ESERA

University of Bordeaux, France

Fani Stylianidou

Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Greece

Hannelie du Preez

University of Pretoria, South Africa

Submit My Manuscript

Phone: +31 (0)70 2190600 | E-Mail:

Address: Cultura Building (3rd Floor) Wassenaarseweg 20 2596CH The Hague THE NETHERLANDS


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