European Journal of STEM Education
Research Article
2017, 2(1), Article No: 1

Development Status of Higher Education in Northern Indian: A Review Study

Published in Volume 2 Issue 1: 30 Apr 2017
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In development of any country depends upon higher educational status. India is fast growing country in the field of education and technology. Most of IT engineers are deputed in world's most IT companies. It has been possible because of strong development higher education system in India. This paper focuses on the comparative study of higher educational universities located in Haryana and Punjab. The findings of this paper explores that government has emphasized on privatization of higher education in two states.

AMA 10th edition
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Verma C. Development Status of Higher Education in Northern Indian: A Review Study . European Journal of STEM Education. 2017;2(1), 1.
APA 6th edition
In-text citation: (Verma, 2017)
Reference: Verma, C. (2017). Development Status of Higher Education in Northern Indian: A Review Study . European Journal of STEM Education, 2(1), 1.
In-text citation: (Verma, 2017)
Reference: Verma, Chaman. "Development Status of Higher Education in Northern Indian: A Review Study ". European Journal of STEM Education 2017 2 no. 1 (2017): 1.
In-text citation: (Verma, 2017)
Reference: Verma, C. (2017). Development Status of Higher Education in Northern Indian: A Review Study . European Journal of STEM Education, 2(1), 1.
In-text citation: (Verma, 2017)
Reference: Verma, Chaman "Development Status of Higher Education in Northern Indian: A Review Study ". European Journal of STEM Education, vol. 2, no. 1, 2017, 1.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Verma C. Development Status of Higher Education in Northern Indian: A Review Study . European Journal of STEM Education. 2017;2(1):1.
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